
File Requirements

To make the reproduction process go smoothly, we have drawn up a list of requirements for you to follow. Please adhere to these to ensure the optimum outcome for your job.

Page Size and Sequence

  • The page size in your design application (e.g. Freehand, Indesign) must be the exact size of the final job, i.e. if you are doing a business card, the page size must be 90x50mm; if you are doing a book, it must be the size of the closed book; if you are doing a job that will be folded, like an A4 to DL brochure or folder, it must the open (unfolded) size of the job.
  • For books, magazines and other multi-page jobs, the page sequence of the PDF should be as follows: outside front cover, inside front cover, page 1 – last, inside back cover, outside back cover. For perfectbound and threadsewn books, the cover must be supplied separately as a spread and include a spine.
  • For jobs with multiple kinds (like business cards for several people), each card must be supplied as a separate page (the correct size) and in this sequence: front card 1, back card 1, front card 2, back card 2, front card 3, back card 3, etc. If the front or back is common for all kinds, it should either be the first or last page in the PDF and indicated as such on the order/email.


  • All artwork has to include 3mm bleed on all sides.
  • The bleed has to be the same artwork that just extends beyond the edge of the page.
  • On diecut jobs the artwork should bleed beyond the dieline all round.


  • Jobs to be printed in CMYK must be supplied as such. We have a facility to convert spot colours to process, but have no control over the outcome and thus do not take responsibility for the result.
  • Please take care to define spot colours as such – we cannot convert CMYK colours to spots once the PDF has been made.
  • Spot colours must be named clearly – use the Pantone number for inks if possible.

Die Cutting

  • Dielines must be supplied on top of the artwork where possible.
    All dielines must be in a separate spot colour (preferably named “die“ or something similar).
  • Dielines must be on overprint.
  • Cut lines are indicated by a solid line and crease or perforation lines are indicated by a dashed line.
  • If the job contains creases and perforations, please mark them clearly with text in the dieline colour (and on overprint).

Spot UV Varnish

  • Spot UV artwork must be supplied on top of the printing artwork where possible.
  • All spot UV artwork must be in a separate spot colour (preferably named “spot UV“ or something similar).
  • All spot UV artwork must be on overprint.
  • Spot UV artwork can only be a solid – no screens (anything less than 100%) please.


  • Artwork must be supplied on top of the printing artwork where possible.
  • All artwork must be in a separate spot colour (preferably named “emboss“/ “foil“ or something similar).
  • All artwork must be on overprint.
  • Artwork can only be a solid – no screens (anything less than 100%) please.

The artwork should be supplied as a PDF/X-1a – a compliant PDF.

  • All fonts must be embedded.
  • File permissions must be set to allow printing.
  • All graphics must be embedded – no OPI.
  • Graphics must be at least 300dpi to ensure good print quality.
  • All document pages have to be centred and include crop marks (cropping in Acrobat not allowed).
  • Only one document page per PDF page.